Conan Oliver

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A.K.A. "The Kitty"...."Ki-Cat"

Here are some of my favorite photos of our little kitty.  He does the cutest things...and doesn't even know it!

Here he is in our dirty laundry bag.


Apparently he thinks he's dirty...


Or maybe he's just playing peek-a-boo!


Either way, he's very cute!


Here he is on my pillow...

Originally, we were going to keep him out of our room entirely, since I'm slightly allergic to kitties (or any animal for that matter.)  Obviously that didn't last long at all!

Kitty in his own bed.

As it should be!



On his perch.

We only chose him because he matched our furniture.  Just kidding :)

Falling asleep in his cubby.


Taking advantage of daddy.

The day after Thanksgiving we took Conan Oliver to my mom's house.  After he thoroughly checked out the place, he either sat on my lap or sprawled out on Adam and ignored everyone else in the room.  Grandma wasn't happy about that!

Chillin' Out



Have you ever noticed that cats only want to go where they're not supposed to?  Here kitty is begging to get into our bedroom.  He won, of course.


He loved this feather contraption.  Now, the stick is broken and the feathers are gone!

Impressionist Painting

I was messing around with this photo in my Kodak software program, and now it looks like an impressionist painting.  Neato!